Nov 17, 2022Liked by Jim Reagen

Thanks for this esp the link to Breggin’s article. I liked their book and found this a valuable add on to my understanding of their argument.

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Although overall I’ve been impressed with Malone’s scientific knowledge and ethical outlook, it’s hard to rule out that he’s a part of a limited hangout psyop pitched at a sophisticated audience. The Langan piece and the Trumpism are fine for a conversation over a beer but given the current political environment they serve to harden the impression of liberals that the vaccine skeptics are enemy yahoos.

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It would be great if you familiarized yourself with our work before misrepresenting us. We are not affiliated with any "communities" as a matter of policy. We have a CTMU Teleologic Wellness program that encourages wellness in all people of all ethnic groups. We believe that all communities should work to improve their genetic health and integrity and develop their spiritual connection within their cultural traditions. We love our fellow man and want all cultures to be preserved and allowed to self-actualize without interference. We are personally Christians but believe salvation can be attained through most religious/cultural traditions (except perhaps Satanism and secularism).


More on CTMU Teleologic Wellness: www.teleologic.org

Everyone is invited to look over our video and newsletter and make up his or her own mind.

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Probably both Breggin and Desmet are both correct. There is an elite evil cabal with ulterior power and financial grabbing motives behind the "pandemic" and its response. However there is also a tendency for fear-driven psyops to create a mob mentality in isolated and confused people who desire to be connected to a group with a powerful leader. It would be prudent to read Desmet's response to Breggin at https://open.substack.com/pub/mattiasdesmet/p/am-i-an-expert-in-mass-formation?r=rflm4&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web . Should not our goal be to have opposing opinions expressed and debated by learned people with opposing viewpoints? Would it not be helpful for Breggin to accept Desmet's invitation for a public debate? Just as important as it would be for Fauci, Walensky, and Collins holding an open public debate with Malone, McCullough, Vanden Bossche, Yeadon, Thorp, et.al.

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Simply speaking, "Mass psychosis" just seems to be the latest buzz term to describe a crowd's tendency to act like a herd, as well as people's tendencies generally to want to belong to a group or tribe, mainly for reasons of security and acceptance. That's not to deny the existence of a few individuals in society whose principles or ethics outweigh personal considerations. That's always been the way, whatever labels are used to try to put a new spin on it.

This infighting between people ostensibly on the same side is petty and damaging to the greater cause.

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I am very familiar with Mr. & Mrs. Breggin's dislike of Dr. Desmet and I can't fault them for trying to make a buck. Langan? While any appreciation of white culture or white people is taboo in 2022, he should not be ignored. Charles Murray, and Richard Hernstein are often dismissed and ridiculed for their forthright and honest reporting in THE BELL CURVE. Never forget what happened in Rwanda and Haiti.

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